A proposal for Yahoo/MSN to beat Google
Post on lifeisaventure
A Billion-Dollar Question for Yahoo and MSN
Here is a proposal for Yahoo or MSN to gain $1B from Google:
Here is a proposal for Yahoo or MSN to gain $1B from Google:
As I wrote yesterday, every bit of your online life may be recorded in a database in Google, Yahoo or MSN. Google already said that they would not change this policy despite the grave privacy issues raised by the AOL data debacle.
If Yahoo or MSN comes out and says that they will not keep any of such records (or just keep the raw data for a short period for internal analysis), I bet there will be a noticeable shift from Google to Yahoo or MSN. If there is 20% shift, that’s a billion dollar! Simple:-)
Here is a billion-dollar question: will Yahoo or MSN do it?
Read full article: lifeisaventure
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